
welcome to...


About Me...
p3p is a site primarily inspired by 2000s/early 2010s tech, wii/ds era nintendo, and of course, persona 3 fes & portable! it is the passion project of a 20 yr old college student fueled only by autism and a general disenchantment with most modern social media sites. i use this as a platform to hone my graphic & web design skills as well as a place to yell about whatever is going on in my funny little head at any given moment. i code using visual studio code as well as codpen and the neocities editor in mozilla firefox! my site is best viewed in 1680 x 1050.
p3p is a labor of love by yours truly! im emmy/rory, my main pronouns are she/he/it and im the worlds longest normal girlish guyish thing. i am a bunnygirl android designed to study human connection and eat way too many cookies&cream hersheys kisses. my brain has been permanently reprogrammed by the caligula effect 2. i am one of 3 people who actively play nintendogs+cats in 2024. i look like this.
though updates to this site are sporadic, i wish to continue maintaining p3p for years to come! twitter/x/whatever the fuck is temporary but p3p.neocities.org is forever... 💙🌟
Site Info...

i am feeling: The current mood of catfandom at www.imood.com

neocities profile!

Webrings & Cliques...

<< retronaut >> << cuddler webring >>
Yi Sang Dongbaek
Rabbit Hearted :: French Lop
NPC Aseah / OTF Caligula Effect / unexpected song Yi Sang
Fiona Apple Fetch The Bolt Cutters


live feed from my last.fm
Update Log...

09/04/24 hi guys

hosted since: 08/02/22 . . . ♡